Love Story 

“So……. You’re leaving tomorrow” said Logan, the loving sloth of our story. He’s no real sloth, but had the qualities of one. He was lazy and slow. He wasn’t always like this though, he became like this due to all the TWIST OF TALES in his life. He had lost the reason to live. But he isn’t like that anymore. A unicorn gave him a reason to live. Yeah,  A UNICORN.  A unicorn in disguise of a girl. Clara, the lovely unicorn brought the sloth back to life by giving him a reason to live. Clara, the unicorn and Logan, the sloth were in deep love from the past four years. They fell in love when they were 16, never had a real fight. Their love is pure. Their relationship is perfect like the song PERFECT from Ed Sheeran.

Clara had a dream of moving out to her hometown to do the last 2 years of her studies. She had moved here when she was 5. But in order to do that she would have to move away from Logan, JUST PHYSICALLY. They both had each other in the other’s heart.

“Yeah, I have to…… I want to”

“Okay.   All the best. Ace your studies.”


“Ugh, thanks again????”

Logan always said No thanks and sorries in a relationship and friendship, and would frown every time Clara said thanks or sorry. But she knew how exactly to make Logan smile. A cute face with blinking eyes faster than usual would make Logan melt and he would be standing there now blushing.

“Umm, what time will you be leaving tomorrow? I’ll come to the airport with you”

“I’ll call you half an hour before I leave “

“Okay, has been a long time since I met uncle and aunt. Have a lot to talk with them.”

“Uh Uh? About what?”

“Something that you won’t get to know”

And Clara would now be sitting there frowning.  Logan wasn’t an expert like Clara but he would try to make her smile putting his heart and soul into it.

“You know how cute you look with that face? A lot less than the time when you’re smiling”

And they both burst out laughing…..
The next day, Logan went to the airport. Made Clara promise she would take care of herself and call him as soon as she landed at Florida, waved her a good bye and came home with a heavy heart……
The first four months passed smoothly. They would talk hours together over the phone and would FaceTime at random. But Logan missed her so much, he stopped trimming his beards considering it a symbol of A HEART IN PAIN. But beards were a nightmare to Clara. She asked Logan to get rid of it or she would have to stop FaceTiming him. But Logan refused…. So they both agreed to talk just over the phone.

Clara came back on the fifth month. Logan got rid of his as soon as Clara said she would be coming back. He was there at the airport to pick her up. He spent all his time with her whenever she was free.  Clara told him how much she missed him and how she loved the college back there. Logan would remain silent marvelling at her beauty as she spoke. He spoke a very few words as he was really shy even after 4 years being together.

Clara went back as her vacations were up. The next few months passed like the first four years. Smooth. But Logan pushed himself to the next level at being a crestfallen person. He started skipping his meals, would remain lifeless at college, and would rarely come down from his room at home. He locked it up always, even while going out and denied access to none. Nobody knew what his room had become. He lost a few kilos as a result of starving. Clara didn’t get to know about this as they had stopped FaceTiming again. But she always asked about his meals because she cared about Logan a lot than Logan cared about himself. He would say “later” but that “later” rarely came.

Logan was taken to the Doctor by his parents as they believed he had caught up with some disease. But he was alright, PHYSICALLY. When he was enquired why he was behaving so, he refused to talk and walked away. He was heard many times sobbing and talking alone in his room. His eyes would always be swollen and red. He rarely talked to anybody. Simon a close friend of Logan was called by Logan’s parents and asked him whether he knew anything about it. Simon was not in a situation to tell the truth as he had promised Logan not to tell anyone about it.

One morning, as Logan was making his way up the stairs in his college, he fell unconscious as he had no food for the past four days. As he fell, he hit his head hard against the stairs and had to be rushed to the hospital as his head was injured badly. His clothes had been bathed with blood. His parents used this opportune moment to gain access into his room. What they found in there was real surprise. EVERY INCH IF HIS ROOM WALLS WAS COVERED WITH PHOTOS OF A GIRL. PHOTOS OF CLARA. But his parents didn’t know who she was. They were awestruck to see a picture of a girl because Logan rarely talked to a girl and now his room was so full of pictures of a single girl.

“So she is the one whom he was talking to…. But WHO IS SHE??” thought his parents. Simon was summoned again. He couldn’t hold it back anymore. His friend was on the verge of death. He told Logan’s parents about the Clara-Logan Relationship and how they loved each other. Logan’s parents called Clara and requested her to come see him. Clara who loved Logan very much didn’t think twice to come back. She came as soon as possible. Logan recovered with the help of Clara. Clara had now literally brought Logan back to life. Clara stayed for a week but had to leave then as she had exams around the corner. But she was afraid Logan would do it again. Logan’s parents shared this fear. So his parents managed to send him too with Clara to Florida for their future studies……..

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